Scouting (Quality Management)
We at HD Machines conduct the following steps to ensure our work meets contract requirements:
1) Scout the area 7 to 14 days after application
2) Identify and record weeds present
3) Determine location of weeds present in treated area
4) Determine if the weeds survived the first application or emerged after the first application
5) Identify the response of the weeds to the application
6) Keep a record of the treatment area
Almost all weeds will have different signs of impact after application that is why it is important to wait at least 7 days before scouting the area. Once at the treated area we will identify weeds that area present at the impact of those weeds from the application. We will also determine where the weeds are present and why they are present in those areas. If there are weeds that had no impact it could be due to resistance or other application constraints. If there are weeds present we will determine the response of those weeds to the chemical formulation. There may need to be an adjustment made to use rates or chemicals if we determine the weeds have no impact to the application. Last we will keep a record of the mechanisms used in that area to control weeds. Areas that have a history of mechanical use will usually require more chemical control in following growing seasons.